The vapor barrier foil is made of polyethylene, reinforced with polypropylene mesh, and metallized with an aluminum layer. Thanks to the metallized layer, it reflects thermal energy and enhances the insulation effect.
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The vapor barrier foil is made of polyethylene, reinforced with polypropylene mesh, and metallized with an aluminum layer. Thanks to the metallized layer, it reflects thermal energy and enhances the insulation effect.Garų barjerinė folija pagaminta iš polietileno, sustiprinta polipropileno tinkleliu, metalizuota aliuminio sluoksniu. Metalizuoto sluoksnio dėka jis atspindi šiluminę energiją ir sustiprina izoliacijos efektą.
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We can also offer a much wider range of products and materials. We can accept orders for many products and materials used in construction.
These may be products related to: Ventilated facades, Waterproofing, Acoustic insulation, Geotextiles, Drainage systems, Construction chemicals (paints, adhesives, foams, silicone sealants, insulating silicone glass, adhesive tapes, primers and other liquid and bulk products). Countries of origin of production: Turkey, Poland.
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